Membership benefits

As a member of APRA, you will join like-minded individuals seeking solutions to advance a circular economy and face unique industry challenges together. Explore management and recycling opportunities that directly affect your business and the environment.

Benefits to your organization:

  1. Business Relations– APRA members collectively represent the entire plastics value chain. Facilitated by APRA’s Executive Director, members can access expertise and establish connectivity with the membership pool. Networking, referrals and learning opportunities enabled through APRA are beneficial for companies to meet business objectives and grow.
  2. Public Affairs / Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) – APRA can serve to boost a company’s credibility, trustworthiness, and goodwill in the marketplace. As a registered society and non-profit, APRA seeks to objectively progress a circular economy, which is a foundational element of ESG. Engagement in APRA and Alberta’s plastics circularity is not only good for society, but also makes good business sense. APRA leads advocacy efforts on behalf of members on key environment and plastics issues such as extended producer responsibility.
  3. Services and Expertise– With an extensive knowledge base in plastics management, APRA is well positioned to support member organization and their business objectives through fee for service provisions. This also includes project management services to coordinate, facilitate and execute projects that support plastics circularity.

APRA was incorporated as an Alberta non-profit society in May 1991. Its membership consists of:

  •  plastics monomer, resin and material suppliers;
  • plastics recyclers and waste management corporations;
  • Plastics fabricators, converters and manufacturers, distributors, associations and DAOs;
  • Municipalities, waste service boards, academics and individuals.

APRA works closely with the Plastics Division of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC). APRA and CIAC are committed to the responsible use and recovery of plastic resources. 

APRA Overview and Benefits document

How to Join

For more information fill out our application form : APRA membership application form updated Aug 2024, or contact APRA at or 1-855-939-2386.

© Copyright 2022 Alberta Plastics Recycling Association

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