A Circular Economy Solution to Plastic Waste in the Beekeeping Industry: From
Prototype to Field Trial
Muhammad Arshad, Kelsey Deutsch, Emily Devereux, Tiffany Smith, Izzy Corvalan,
Deeptha Wickramasekara, Justice Asomaning, Xiaohua Kong
Plastic waste is an increasing concern for many industries due to the potential environmental harm that can occur when plastic waste is not properly managed.
Transforming a linear economy of plastic where the materials are disposed of at their end of life, into a circular economy where plastics become a resource for new products, is one way to address the rising concern. To this end, an opportunity to improve the end of life of beehive foundations used in the industry has been developed in collaboration with the Alberta beekeeping industry. Currently beehives foundations are manufactured from difficult to recycle plastics, such as polystyrene, and are disposed of at their end of life. As such, this work has developed prototype 3D printed beehive foundations from polypropylene as an alternative material to current beehive foundation materials to facilitate recycling of used foundations. A washing procedure has also been developed to remove residue that limit the recyclability of beehive foundations. Each step is an important aspect to address in improving the end of life circularity of beehive foundations in Alberta and beyond.