The Canadian Standards Association (CSA Group) is developing a new National Standard of Canada (NSC), CSA R117 Plastics recycling: Definitions, measuring, and reporting. This standard will provide a common definitional framework and guidance for the planning, development, and implementation of programs, policies, procedures, and practices to help support the recycling sector in Canada.

To support the content of the proposed standard, the draft CSA R117 will be available online for a 60-day public review and comment period from January 17th until March 17th , 2024.

(Please try to submit your review by February 2nd)

To access and provide your input on the public review draft, please click here:


APRA will be submitting an advocacy response to the  Notice of Intent to issue a Section 46 Notice for the Federal Plastics Registry and is providing all APRA members with an opportunity to provide us with your input.
Please submit your feedback to us by January 26th by emailing