Government is making it easier for the province’s recycling industry to set surcharges to better respond to changing market conditions.

The implementation of fee changes to products in the provincial paint, oil, electronics and tire recycling programs previously required a regulatory change, which included cabinet approval.

The new process allows proposed fee changes submitted by the Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) to be changed through an administrative process – which reduces red tape for the industry – and also removes a previous recycling fee cap on products. Recycling fees are applied to products at the point of sale.

Removing the cap will ensure ARMA has the flexibility to propose fee changes that support the operation and sustainability of Alberta’s recycling programs. Government heard from recycling operators that fees need to support operating costs.

Under the new system, ARMA will notify the minister of Environment and Parks of proposed fee changes. Ministerial review and oversight will ensure any fee increases are justified and reflect the true cost of recycling.

Alberta’s recycling programs play an important role in our province’s environmental stewardship, keeping a large variety (and quantity) of items out of landfills every year.

Quick facts

  • In Alberta, 9.5 million end-of-life TVs and computer products have been recycled since 2004.
  • 24 million litres of leftover paint have been recycled since 2008.
  • 118 million scrap tires have been recycled since 1992.
  • 1.7 billion litres of used oil have been recovered since 1997.

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